

What is Ermes Pro and how to access the Gateway?

Ermes Pro is an “SMS Gateway” that provides a service for the collection and sending of paid SMS in the mobile network in Italy, Brazil, and Mexico. The direct connection with the main suppliers allows you to save on the unit cost of each SMS compared to sending from your mobile phone, from any device with Internet access.

To access the SMS gateway, simply:

  1. create an account from the register section
  2. access your account from the login page
  3. subscribe to your favorite SMS package from the Shop Page section
  4. complete the payment with the data present both on the order confirmation web page and in the email that reaches the email address specified during registration
  5. as soon as the administrative service confirms the payment, a new email will inform you of the credit enabling and the possibility to immediately start sending SMS

Creating an account is free and does not require you to purchase the services provided by Ermes Pro.


If necessary, how can I contact assistance?

Customer assistance can be reached via e-mail at assistenza@ermespro.com For commercial information, the e-mail address sales@ermespro.com is available.


I have forgotten my login details; how can I retrieve them?

If necessary, therefore, you can automatically request a new password from the Remember password section. The system will automatically send a new password to the e-mail address indicated. Later, however, it is always possible to change the password from the section of your account.

In case of further problems, just write to assistenza@ermespro.com


How can I get the invoice for the SMS services I have purchased?

Invoices for purchased SMS packages or additional services must be requested at finance@ermespro.com which you will receive in the order activation confirmation email. 




What is an environment on Ermes Pro?

An environment is the main instance where a user can carry out all the activities made available by Ermes Pro in their account. (Campaign management, creation, and management of sub-environments for its customers, etc.)


What is a sub-environment?

A sub-environment is an instance directly connected to an environment. In his own sub-environment, the user can perform all the activities related to that instance and cannot view information relating to the main environment.


How many levels of sub-environments can be created?

There are a total of 4 levels of sub-environments that can be created.

Is it possible to “transfer” credit from a main environment to or a sub-environment?

Yes. In the “Credit” section there is the organization chart in which you can transfer your credit to your sub-environments.


What are User Accounts?

User accounts are the accounts that allow users to carry out and perform operations within their environment / instance


What types of user accounts are there?

User accounts are divided into two types: Admin account and User account. The first allows you to manage all the features of Ermes Pro, such as creating sub-environments, creating other user accounts, managing SMS credit, while the second allows you to create SMS campaigns and check and analyze reports.


Do telephone numbers have to be entered on the platform with the prefix?

In Ermes Pro, telephone numbers must always be entered without the prefix. The latter will be added automatically by the platform.


What type of files should be uploaded to the platform?

To load the personal data lists in Ermes Pro you can use the “.CSV” or “.xlsx” format.


When uploading contacts / end users, does the platform automatically exclude duplicate telephone numbers?

Yes. Ermes Pro automatically recognizes phone numbers already present in a list and excludes them. This feature inhibits the possibility of sending two or more SMS to the same user for the same campaign.


What is the maximum limit of characters to be used in a single text message?

Ermes pro supports standard 160-character SMS but also allows you to send multiple SMS automatically concatenated and displayed to the recipient as a single SMS. In the case of concatenated SMS, each single part can have a maximum of 153 characters as the rest are used by the GSM protocol for concatenation. If this length exceeds 160 characters, an alert will report it directly to the platform.


What is the custom sender?

Taking advantage of the high-quality SMS it is possible to insert a personalized alphanumeric sender, for example with the brand of your company. End users will then receive a text message from a personalized sender instead of a telephone number. For example [company_name].


Is it possible to insert a traceable link within the text of the SMS?

A link can be inserted within the text of the SMS. In the report section, it will be possible to check both the unique clicks and the totals.


What does unique and total clicks mean for Landing Page campaigns?

For campaigns that contain a link or a landing page with the “call to action” button in the report section it is possible to check the unique and total clicks. Total clicks are made on the link or button of a landing page, while unique clicks are the total clicks for each user. For example, if an end user clicks three times on the same link or button, the value 3 will be shown in the “total clicks” column, while the value 1 will be shown in the “single clicks” column.


Can I blacklist users?

Ermes Pro offers the possibility to upload telephone numbers to be included in the blacklist. Once the list has been uploaded via the “.CSV” or “xlsx” excel file, the platform will automatically insert them in the blacklist. If the loaded number is not present within the platform, an alert will communicate the impossibility of completing the operation since that number is not present.


What are “template” messages?

Template messages are default text messages that can be created and used for multiple campaigns. 


How can I insert template messages into one or more campaigns?

When a campaign is created, a template message can be inserted in the text message using the “use text template” icon.


What is an automation campaign?

Ermes Pro offers the possibility of creating automation campaigns. This type of campaign is indicated when there is a need to communicate an expiration date to the end user. For example, to remind your customer that the car insurance has expired or is about to expire or to wish him a happy birthday.


How can I check the interactions of an SMS advertising campaign in standard quality with response?

In the “Interactions Report” section you can check the interactions of all the SMS advertising campaigns created. Just enter the time frame in which a specific campaign was sent and then select it. You can download the interaction file in “.CSV” and “.xlsx” format so that you can process the information according to your needs.


How can I manage the user accounts on the platform?

Within your instance / environment, an Admin account in the Admin> Manage Users section can manage all the accounts present: you can make them inactive, change the e-mail, the type of profile etc.


Can I add recipients manually?

Yes. In Ermes Pro there is a special section where you can manually enter the data of the end users.


What is a group?

In Ermes Pro, to send a campaign, you must first create a group. The group is the set of final recipients to whom you want to send a specific communication / campaign.


Is it possible to insert dynamic fields within the text of an SMS?

Yes. During the creation of a campaign in the box dedicated to entering the text message, you can enter up to a maximum of ten dynamic fields. The latter are name, surname, telephone number, email address, company, customer ID, unsubscribe / blacklist link and three custom fields.


What are custom fields?

In Ermes Pro, in addition to the telephone number, it is also possible to enter other data relating to the final recipients such as name and surname, country, birthday, e-mail, city, postcode and gender. If the information to be entered does not correspond to any of these presents by default, then it can be customized by labeling it as “custom field”. The platform provides for the use of a maximum of three “custom fields”.


What are landing pages and how can they be added to a text message?

Landing pages are web landing pages that allow the end user to view certain digital content.

In the campaigns> SMS campaign section in the text message box by clicking on the appropriate “Use Landing Page” icon, you can enter the desired landing page.